Monthly familiarisation webinars on basic knowledge on aviation and the environment (ENV-FAMWEB)
This activity of ECAC’s Capacity-Building Programme for Environment aims at strengthening the competencies and knowledge of people dealing with environment matters in ECAC Member States, and at promoting and supporting information sharing and policy awareness.
The webinars will aim at:
- understanding aviation's local and global environmental impacts;
- understanding ICAO’s recommended basket of measures to minimize environmental impacts;
- understanding the existing discussion/negotiation and practices at European and global (ICAO) levels.
They should contribute to:
- improving the capability of all ECAC Member States to develop ambitious environmental programmes and make the most of ECAC’s collective expertise;
- developing technical staff’s proficient knowledge of the technical and scientific rationale of environmental measures for their effective implementation adapted to their State’s context;
- increase the level and availability of European expertise for promoting environmental discussions within Europe and in global fora.
Thematic webinars
The following thematic webinars have been organised so far:
- ENV-FAMWEB/1 on aviation's local and global environmental impacts and key principles of sustainable aviation (23 June 2021);
- ENV-FAMWEB/2 on the environmental work of ICAO and the European aviation framework (8 July 2021);
- ENV-FAMWEB/3 on Aviation Long-Term Aspirational Goals (LTAG) (8 September 2021);
- ENV-FAMWEB/4 on how aviation emissions are addressed under the UNFCCC and ICAO and the basics of carbon markets for aviation (6 October 2021);
- ENV-FAMWEB/5 on climate change risks and adaptation needs for European aviation (3 November 2021);
- ENV-FAMWEB/6 on Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) (8 December 2021);
- ENV-FAMWEB/7 on the Airports’ role on aviation emissions reductions and climate goals (2 February 2022);
- ENV-FAMWEB/8 addressing aviation's non-CO2 emissions climate effects (2 March 2022);
- ENV-FAMWEB/9 on the role of Air Traffic Management in achieving aviation’s climate goals (6 April 2022);
- ENV-FAMWEB/10 addressing Synthetic Aviation Fuels, also called power-to-liquid (PtL) or e-fuels: The future of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (4 May 2022);
- ENV-FAMWEB/11 on the role of air carriers in achieving aviation's climate goals (8 June 2022);
- ENV-FAMWEB/12 on financing climate aviation ambitions, and encouraging investments for Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) (14 September 2022);
- ENV-FAMWEB/13 on ICAO Assembly 41: Key achievements on environment and what comes next? (12 October 2022);
- ENV-FAMWEB/14 addressing the 2022 European Aviation Environmental Report (EAER) (23 November 2022);
- ENV-FAMWEB/15 to understand the Sustainability Criteria applicable to SAF (CORSIA and EU RED II) (25 January 2023);
- ENV-FAMWEB/16 on analysing the potential of SAF of non-biological origin (22 February 2023);
- ENV-FAMWEB/17 on the CO2 ceiling – a Dutch policy for aviation emissions (29 March 2023);
- ENV-FAMWEB/18 on how to develop a national Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) Roadmap (25 April 2023);
- ENV-FAMWEB/19 on the potential of hydrogen for aviation and its integration in the airport system (24 May 2023).
- ENV-FAMWEB/20 - Target True Zero: Government Policy Toolkit to Accelerate Uptake of Electric and Hydrogen Aircraft (25 October 2023).
- ENV-FAMWEB/21 - The ReFuelEU aviation initiative (6 December 2023).
- ENV-FAMWEB/22 - Updates on CORSIA and the 2023 revised EU ETS for aviation (24 January 2024)
- ENV-FAMWEB/23 - The big picture of emissions accounting for future aircraft propulsion systems (14 February 2024)