Multilateral workshops

Since 2002, ECAC has been organising multilateral workshops in the areas of safety, security, facilitation and the environment in order to update its Member States on the latest regulatory or technical developments, or to address common deficiencies. Subject areas are selected following requests from Member States, after identification of areas of concern within an ECAC expert group.

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ECAC/EU Dialogue with the European air transport industry

ECAC and the European Commission work in close cooperation on all aspects of European air transport. In 1995, they agreed that it would be worthwhile to periodically bring together leaders of the air transport industry – representing scheduled, non-scheduled and regional airlines as well as airport management – with the Directors General of ECAC’s Member States.

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Forum of ECAC Directors General

The ECAC Forum was established in 2008 to provide the Directors General of Civil Aviation of ECAC’s Member States with the opportunity to openly discuss strategic issues with potentially far-reaching national and international significance. This one-day event is organised back-to-back with the December meeting of Directors General in Paris.

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Plenary (Triennial) Sessions

ECAC meets in Plenary (Triennial) Session once every three years at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the birthplace of ECAC. The duration of the meeting is one and a half days and it is typically held in June or July. The most recent Triennial Session – the forty-second – was held in Strasbourg on 9-10 July 2024.

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