ECAC Vulnerability Assessment Programme

In 2010, ECAC introduced vulnerability assessments, which follow a risk-based approach to aviation security and aim to support Member States to determine the effectiveness of mitigation measures, identify vulnerabilities in existing security arrangements that could be exploited by terrorists, and thus better manage any residual risks. Vulnerability assessments are now available to ECAC Member States on the following topics: insider threats and landside security.

Vulnerability assessments are conducted by States’ experts who have been trained and certified by ECAC for the purpose of this programme. Their participation in assessments represents an opportunity to gain experience and know-how, learn about other States’ current best practices, and establish close ties with other Member States’ representatives.

The participating Member State is invited to nominate one of its security experts to become a member of the ECAC assessment team. This participation will ensure an efficient transfer of know-how related to the conduct of a vulnerability assessment and to a specific domain, for example landside security or other domains covered by the activity.

ECAC News on security matters

ECAC News n°77 - Aviation Security ECAC News n°67

ECAC Spotlight on security matters

ECAC News n°74 - Spotlight on the ECAC Behaviour Detection Study Group (Carmen Feijoo) ECAC News n°70 - Spotlight on the Training Task Force (Nina Smith) ECAC News n°66 - Spotlight on ECAC Common Evaluation Process (CEP) of security equipment (Julien Levet)
ECAC News n°64 - Spotlight on Security Forum (Urs Haldimann) ECAC News n°61 - Spotlight on BDSG (Sven Keijsers)