Third cyber security training in 2023

Videoconference, 21-23 March 2023 — Aviation experts from Sweden and Switzerland participated in a Best Practices for National Auditors – Cyber Security (basic) training course, aimed at strengthening their understanding of cyber threats to aviation and cyber security measures.

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Second Basic Aviation Security training course

Videoconference,15-17 March 2023 — Due to high demand, a second Basic Aviation Security Training course was organised for security experts from Albania, Finland, the Netherlands, North Macedonia and Serbia. The course was conducted by instructors from Romania and the United Kingdom. Through a combination of theoretical presentations and virtual activities, participants were able to learn more about the history of civil aviation security, threats and likely methods of attack as well as the role of risk management in aviation security. The course reviewed the key aviation security measures described in ECAC Doc 30, Part II - Security, and the security technologies used for screening. Attention was also paid to the role of the appropriate authority in the aviation security system.

Airlines for America meets with ECAC Secretariat

Paris, 15 March 2023 — Executive Secretary Patricia Reverdy led a delegation from the ECAC Secretariat in a meeting with representative of Airlines for America (A4A) during the organisation’s recent visit to Paris. The meeting provided insight into A4A’s latest engagement with authorities in the United States, as well as their recent conversations with European stakeholders.

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Security experts prepare for the ICAO Aviation Security Panel

Videoconference, 13 March 2023 — At the first of two meetings ahead of the 34th ICAO Aviation Security Panel, the members of the European Coordination Group on Aviation Security (ECG-AS) began the development of priorities for the panel, noting that working papers from European panel members and observers were planned on cyber security guidance, CASE II capacity building and perimeter security. Preparations will continue ahead of the group’s main preparatory meeting in Paris on 16 May (ECG-AS/13).

Development of new security documents by ECAC Training Task Force

Videoconference, 8-9 March 2023 — Several new documents to be developed by the ECAC Training Task Force in 2023 for the ECAC Aviation Security Handbook formed the basis of discussions at the task force’s recent meeting. The new documents will include guidance on screener pre-selection, and training aspects in the use of Automated Prohibited Item Detection (APID) software.

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