Second training on risk management in aviation security

Tirana, 20-21 June 2023 — A Best Practices for Risk Management in Aviation Security training course was conducted in Tirana with a contribution from an instructor from the Romanian civl aviation authority. The course aimed to provide security experts from the Albanian Civil Aviation Authority and other national authorities involved in risk assessment with the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills necessary to develop and implement a national risk assessment methodology, and develop effective mitigating measures.

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Legal Task Force discusses enhanced information-sharing opportunities

Paris, 21 June 2023 — The ECAC Legal Task Force met in person for its 47th meeting. Participants exchanged information on the legal aspects of recent global activities, particularly in relation to the ICAO Legal Committee and the ICAO Secretariat Study Group on Legal Issues related to Pilotless Aircraft (SSG-LIPA). They agreed to coordinate input on focus area proposals
for the next Civil Aviation Legal Advisors Forum (CALAF/3), which will take place in the United Kingdom in autumn 2024.

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Accident and incident investigation meeting sets the stage for enhanced cooperation on aviation safety

Videoconference, 20 June 2023 — The 58th meeting of the ECAC Air Accident and Incident Investigation Group of Experts brought together 70 participants from 25 ECAC Member States, observer States (Israel, Morocco, Singapore), sister regional organisations (Arab Civil Aviation Organization, African Civil Aviation Commission), European Commission, EASA, European Network of Civil Aviation Safety Investigation Authorities (ENCASIA), IATA, ICAO, and industry stakeholders.

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First ECAC tailored workshop on sustainable aviation fuels in Azerbaijan

Baku, 19-20 June 2023 — The first tailored workshop on sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) organised for an ECAC Member State was successfully conducted in Baku, hosted by the Civil Aviation Administration of Azerbaijan. The workshop gathered 13 representatives of three ministries (Transport, Energy and Ecology), national airlines, and fuel producers and suppliers.

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Experts review explosive detection dogs guidance

Videoconference, 14-15 June 2023 — The Explosive Detection Dogs (EDD) Study Group met in virtual session to consider the tasks in its 2023 work programme. The participants agreed on a new structure for the EDD documentation, and suggested transferring most of the recent relevant guidance contained in ECAC Doc 30, Part II - Security annexes to the ECAC Aviation Security Handbook. They then reviewed the main EDD guidance document, General Testing Methodology. These proposals will be considered by the Security Programme Management Group.

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ECAC Member States in the process of implementing sustainable aviation fuels roadmaps gather at fourth dedicated SAF workshop

Paris, 9 June 2023 — The fourth ECAC Sustainable Aviation Fuels Workshop (SAF-WKSHP/4), a custom-made training activity under the ECAC capacity-building programme for environment, was held at ECAC’s offices. This workshop was specifically designed for ECAC Member States in a similar policy context: all of them have, or are developing, a SAF policy (such as the ReFuelEU Aviation regulation under final approval), and are aiming to boost SAF supply at their airports, as well as industrial value chains for national SAF production.

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