Aviation cyber security experts work on 2022 priorities and tasks

1 February 2022 - The ECAC Study Group on Cyber Security in Civil Aviation held its first meeting of the year online to agree on a timeline for 2022 work priorities and the division of tasks and responsibilities. The tasks established for 2022 will include developing new guidance on cyber security training, recommendations on cyber security assurance of security equipment, and best practices for penetration testing and risk management of the supply chain.

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European Aviation and Environment Working Group prepares for ICAO CAEP/12

17, 19, 26 and 31 January 2022 - Preparations for the 12th meeting of the ICAO Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP/12) continued in January in the European Aviation and Environment Group (EAEG). Participants exchanged views on the working papers posted for CAEP/12, prepared briefing material, and discussed general issues relating to CAEP.

European coordination ahead of 41st ICAO Assembly

18, 20, 25, 27 and 28 January 2022 - The European coordination groups across various domains (safety, aviation security, facilitation, economic matters and cyber security) met in January to discuss the preparations for the 41st session of the ICAO Assembly (beginning 27 September 2022).

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First informal meeting of the ECAC UAS network of national contact points

27 January 2022 - With the objective of bringing together the ECAC network of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) points of contact to exchange information on UAS-related work in their States and engage in interactive discussion, an informal meeting was organised at the initiative of the ECAC Focal Point for UAS, Elisabeth Landrichter (DGCA Austria).

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ECAC President meets with EBAA

27 January 2022 - A fruitful exchange of information took place between ECAC President Alessio Quaranta and Executive Secretary Patricia Reverdy, and European Business Aviation Association Secretary General, Athar Husain Khan and Senior Manager European Affairs, David Grivet, at the end of January. The exchange was an excellent opportunity to learn more about the evolution of the business aviation value chain in the last two to three years, and its commitments on environment and technology development.

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