ECAC contributes to ICAO seminar on sustainable aviation fuels

12 April 2022 - The ECAC Secretariat delivered a presentation on sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) at a capacity-building activity for experts from African States, organised by the ICAO Western and Central African (WACAF) and Eastern and Southern African (ESAF) offices. More than 50 representatives of the WACAF and ESAF States followed the event online.

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Study Group on Cyber Security in Civil Aviation

Bern/videoconference, 7-8 April 2022 - Topics discussed at the meeting of the ECAC Study Group on Cyber Security in Civil Aviation in April included competency-based cyber security training, risk management for the supply chain, cyber security standards for screening equipment and cyber oversight models.

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European participation in 2022 ICAO Global Aviation Dialogues on Long-term Aspirational Goal

27 March - 8 April 2022 - The 2022 ICAO Global Aviation Dialogues on Long-term Aspirational Goal (LTAG-GLADs) were held in a series of five regional virtual events between 27 March and 8 April. The LTAG-GLADs aim to raise awareness on the technical work developed by the ICAO Committee on Aviation and Environmental Protection (CAEP) on LTAG, and facilitate the exchange of views amongst Member States, with the objective of facilitating a decision on LTAG at the 41st session of the ICAO Assembly.

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CEP participating test centres coordinate ahead of the CEP Management Group meeting

7 April 2022 - Within the framework of the initiatives agreed by the Common Evaluation Process (CEP) Management Group for 2022-2024, and in preparation for the 53rd meeting of the CEP Management Group (20-21 April 2022), representatives of the CEP participating test centres, the chair of the CEP Management Group and the ECAC Secretariat gathered online to discuss the progress of ongoing tests and the test centre available capacity for the third and fourth quarters of 2022.

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Belgian inspectors undergo training on covert testing

Brussels, 5-7 April 2022 - The Best Practices on Covert Testing training course held at the beginning of April was the first training course in the security domain organised by ECAC on-site in 2022. The course offered eight inspectors from the Belgian Civil Aviation Authority the opportunity to improve their knowledge of the covert testing methodology and test items for different areas of tests.

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