Briefing for ECAC-certified aviation security auditors

16 November 2021 - ECAC organised an online briefing on the recent changes to ECAC Doc 30, Part II (Security). Sixteen ECAC-certified aviation security auditors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Ireland, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Türkiye, as well as a representative of the European Commission's DG MOVE, who is an auditors' trainer, attended the briefing.

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ECAC resumes capacity-building activities on-site

8-12 November 2021 - A Best Practices for National Auditors – Level 1 (BPNA-1) training course was conducted from 8 to 12 November in Tirana (Albania), hosted by the Albanian Civil Aviation Authority. Attendees on the course included national auditors from Albania, Estonia, Lithuania and Türkiye.

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Review of economic activities in Member States

Paris/videoconference, 10 November 2021 - The latest developments on economic-related aviation activities in ECAC Member States and the ECAC Secretariat were shared at the Economic Working Group meeting. The meeting also heard updates from a representative of the European Regions Airline Association (ERA) on regional connectivity and the impact of the COVID-19 crisis.

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End of year meeting of the Security Programme Management Group

Stockholm, 8 November 2021 - The 34th meeting of the Security Programme Management Group was chaired for the first time by the recently appointed Focal Point for Facilitation and Security with the lead on security, Gunnar Ljungberg (DGCA Sweden). The meeting reviewed the performance of the security task forces and study groups against their annual work programmes, and agreed on priorities for 2022. The interdependence between the Technical Task Force and the CEP Management Group was underlined, and regular meetings between the chairs and deputy chairs of both groups will be organised in the coming months to strengthen this cooperation.

Developing technical expertise in Member States

2-5 November 2021 - ECAC's support to Member States in developing their technical expertise continued in November, with the organisation of a Best Practices for Drafting Technical Specifications for Security Equipment training course conducted in Russian. This online training was delivered to seven security experts from Armenia, Lithuania, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

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