Overview of the CASE II Project

Main features of the Project
The Civil Aviation Security in Africa, the Middle East and Asia (CASE II) Project is entirely funded by the European Union and implemented by ECAC. The duration of the CASE II Project is four years and the budget allocated by the European Commission (managed by the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments) for the overall period is EUR 8 million. The geographical scope has been extended to Asia, which was not included in CASE I. A hybrid Steering Group meeting for the Project was held in September 2022 in Brussels. The European Commission approved the extension of the Project for a sixth year, until November 2025.
Objectives of the Project
The overall objective of CASE II is to counter the threat of terrorism to civil aviation by partnering with States in the three regions, in order to strengthen the civil aviation security regimes in the Partner States
This requires fostering the effective implementation by Partner States of baseline security measures, such as ICAO Annex 17 Standards and Recommended Practices. For some States – and based on their level of compliance with international standards – a second specific objective is to strengthen their aviation security regimes beyond mere compliance with international standards, in particular in the fields of risk management, security culture and quality control.
The Partner States are selected on the basis of objective criteria, such as the commitment/capability of a given State to fully benefit from the capacity-building activities delivered by the Project, or the absence of possible duplication with other capacity-building initiatives, either bilateral or multilateral.
Activities of the Project
The activities of the Project are mainly “nationally based”, i.e. implemented to the exclusive benefit of one Partner State, as they aim to address the aviation security issues (including vulnerabilities) faced by that State. Those national activities are designed to improve the level of effective implementation of security measures on the ground through the provision of technical support on site.
The activities of the Project cover the following key domains of aviation security:
- security culture and insider threats
- landside security
- other existing/emerging threats, such as MANPADS or IEDs
- use of available resources (assessment and improvement)
- quality control and equipment inspection.
Multilateral activities such as e-learning courses, webinars and workshops focus on the latest developments in aviation security aiming to share experience and knowledge between all stakeholders.
The activities are delivered by a combination of experts from the CASE II Project team and from ECAC Member States and Partner States in the regions covered by the Project, which release experts selected for their technical competencies, their operational and international experience, and their language skills on a short-term basis or through six-month secondment.
CASE II activities are mainly conducted in English, and in other languages such as French, Portuguese or Russian depending on the countries’ needs. The language of instruction is also subject to the availability of participating experts and their language proficiencies.
Click here for the ECAC CASE II Project catalogue of activities (February 2021).
Our team
See the staff members of the CASE II Project.