European coordination meeting looks at measures to restart international air travel

11 March - A videoconference with the Directors General of ECAC Member States, DG MOVE, EASA and EUROCONTROL discussed in particular the recent developments in air traffic and heard updates from Member States and organisations on flight and travel restrictions and on the ICAO Council Aviation Recovery Taskforce (CART) Phase III progress, as well as a presentation from the OECD-International Transport Forum (ITF) on the COVID-Free International Mobility Initiative.

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ECAC takes stock of latest developments on COVID-19

3 and 22 February 2021 - Two European coordination meetings to take stock of the latest developments around the COVID-19 pandemic were held virtually in February, assembling Directors General of ECAC Member States, DG MOVE, EASA and EUROCONTROL.

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ECAC Environmental Forum/4

19-21 January 2021 - The fourth ECAC Environmental Forum held over three days this month explored a broad range of topics, beginning with a long-term aspirational goal for civil aviation.

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New ECAC Focal Point appointed

January 2021 - Damien Cazé (DGCA France) was appointed by the Coordinating Committee as the new Focal Point for Economic matters following the departure of Mario Nemeth (former DGCA Slovakia) at the beginning of January.