Second information seminar on State action plans to address CO2 emissions from aviation

27 April 2021 - The draft revised 2021 edition of the ECAC/EU guidelines for European action plans prepared by the APER Task Group was presented to the European Focal Points on State Action Plans and to experts from EAEG Expanded at the second ECAC Environmental State Action Plans Information Seminar, held in April. The participants noted that APERTG’s proposed updates to the previous (2018) edition, which at the time of the seminar were under review by EAEG Expanded, include an adjusted European baseline scenario up to 2050 and a revised description of measures implemented collectively in Europe.

The purpose of these information seminars is to recall the recommended common European approach for the submission to ICAO of updated action plans for CO2 emissions reduction from international aviation. This second seminar, which assembled over 50 experts, was delivered in the framework of the ECAC Environment Forum in close cooperation with ICAO EUR/NAT, and provided participants with clarification to support ECAC Member States in updating the common and national sections of their respective action plans in accordance with ICAO guidance material. The event strengthens the cooperation between ICAO EUR/NAT and ECAC in the environment field and is expected to be followed by another seminar in June.