Information sharing session on labour skills and shortages — economic experts explore considerations for industry and governments relating to labour issues in aviation

Videoconference, 24 May 2023 — The Economic Working Group and Network of Chief Economists held their first information sharing session on the topic of labour skills and shortages. The session started with an industry summary from IATA on skills and labour shortages. Updates were then shared by States who had experienced specific challenges in this area in the past 12 months, as well as those who, through specific interventions or the fact of having different market conditions, had thus far avoided significant issues.

Whilst it was recognised that there were differences amongst ECAC Member States, some common trends, such as the need to attract a younger and more diverse workforce, and the wider workers’ employment rights discussions at the central government level — including aviation, were identified, and all agreed on the importance of putting in place the right policies and mechanisms to secure and retain aviation talent and personnel for the long-term sustainability of the sector. As an outcome of the discussion, participants agreed to put together a more detailed overview to share some of the emerging observations and trends that were discussed.