Understanding the CO2 ceiling: a Dutch policy to address aviation’s emissions

Videoconference, 29 March 2023 — The Dutch government has decided to introduce a CO2 emissions ceiling for international aviation, a policy measure to ensure that certain emissions reduction targets are met in the Netherlands in the short, mid and long terms. The 17th ECAC monthly familiarisation webinar on basic knowledge on aviation and the environment was dedicated to helping participants understand this policy measure thanks to the participation of Jesper van Manen, senior policy officer on sustainable aviation from the Dutch civil aviation directorate.

The 2030 targets for the CO2 emissions of international aviation from the Netherlands are to be at or below the 2005 emissions levels, reaching in 2050 a reduction of at least 50% compared to the 2005 baseline. The longer-term goal is achieving zero emissions in 2070.

The objective of this new policy is to turn those national CO2 reduction targets into clear, binding and enforceable regulatory limits. At the webinar, insights were provided on the various implementation options considered, the impact assessment and stakeholders’ consultation processes undertaken by the government, and the final ministerial cabinet decision to further develop it and then introduce a CO2 ceiling per airport.

Over 70 participants from ECAC Member States, organisations and stakeholders joined the webinar, offering an opportunity for a fruitful exchange of views with the presenter.