Facilitation experts focus on aviation immigration and PRM issues

Facilitation Sub-Group on Immigration

Paris, 25 October 2022 — The Facilitation Sub-Group on Immigration reviewed the year’s work and established priorities for the coming year. It looked at issues related to implementation of the EU’s Entry/Exit System and the Electronic Travel Information and Authorisation System, and will monitor progress and share means to ensure the highest level of preparedness for the introduction of the systems. The group also agreed to pursue further work on issues around non-ECAC States’ requests for passenger name record data that were capable of creating a number of legal conflicts.

Facilitation Sub-Group on the Transport of Persons with Reduced Mobility

Paris, 26 October 2022 — The Sub-Group on the Transport of Persons with Reduced Mobility (PRM) concluded its work for the year and made plans for a new programme of work for 2023. It finalised a set of changed recommendations on call point signage to be recommended to the Facilitation Working Group for inclusion in ECAC Doc 30, Part I, and decided on a number of improvements to its approach to gathering information through surveys of ECAC Member States, including the launch of a new survey on assistance dogs.

Meeting of PRM experts and the FAL-PRM Sub-Group

Paris, 27 October 2022 — The group of experts on persons with reduced mobility conducted a wide-ranging review of issues in this field of work at their last meeting. Of particular interest were presentations from IATA and from Bologna Airport on practical measures they had taken to enable easier prenotification of PRM assistance needs, and on information for hearing-impaired passengers. A discussion on priorities for coming work will feed into decisions to be made at the Facilitation Working Group meeting on 9-10 November.