Pilot activity on inspecting cyber security in aviation
Luxembourg, 12-13 May 2022 - The ECAC Secretariat, with the contribution of a security expert from Portugal (ANAC), conducted an on-site pilot practical activity on inspecting cyber security measures, organised as a follow-up to the ECAC Best Practices for National Auditors – Cyber Security (basic) theoretical training course held online in July 2021. The main objective of this activity was to develop auditors' understanding of the key cyber security measures in aviation and of good practices for inspecting their implementation.
Several classroom activities were organised that focused on reviewing the elements to inspect, and on drafting an inspection checklist. Through the on-site airport activities, participants gained practical experience in inspecting the cyber security of an air carrier and an airport operator using the recommended approach.
This activity will be made available to all ECAC Member States as of July within the framework of the ECAC Aviation Security Capacity-Building Programme.