Long-term aspirational goal for international aviation is focus of 5th ECAC Environmental Forum

Videoconference, 16-18 May 2022, and Paris, 20 May 2022 - The fifth ECAC Environmental Forum comprised an online session open to ECAC’s key international partners (16 to 18 May) and a closed session held at ECAC’s premises (20 May). It attracted environment experts from a wide spectrum of stakeholders and geographical scope.

A long-term aspirational goal for international aviation (LTAG) was the main focus of the open session, where scientific presentations were given on the latest UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on climate change mitigation, on deep decarbonisation pathways and their compatibility with sustainable development goals, and on the aviation impact on climate change including non-CO2 emissions. The ICAO/CAEP report on the feasibility of an LTAG, and presentations of ambitious commitments by both States and the industry, also fed into these discussions. A number of promising innovations were presented, notably in the domain of sustainable sources of energy for aviation, and the audience was informed about carbon removals.

ECAC's three sister regional organisations (ACAO, AFCAC and LACAC) and the aviation administrations of Canada, Singapore and the United States brought the audience up to date on their environmental priorities, while ECAC Member States, the ECAC Secretariat, EASA, EUROCONTROL and the European Commission presented a number of European achievements and developments.

On 20 May, a closed session for European members and observers enabled fruitful exchanges of views and concluded this fifth edition of the Environmental Forum. The sixth Environmental Forum is scheduled to take place in early 2023.