First CASE II training course in French on Best Practices in Covert Testing

Cotonou, Benin, 14-18 March 2022 — Participants from Benin, Cameroon, Madagascar, Gabon and Senegal attended the first course on covert testing in aviation security delivered in French. Experts from the French Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) and Niger’s DGCA joined forces to support participants in acquiring the knowledge and tools to implement, develop and improve covert testing programmes. Delivered through 11 modules, the activity included presentations, discussions and multiple practical exercises designed to support effective covert testing.
Each represented Partner State is now better positioned to integrate effective testing processes and procedures into their aviation security compliance and oversight frameworks.
The Beninese Director General of the National Civil Aviation Agency (DG ANAC), Karl Legba, closed the training course and thanked CASE II for its support. He expressed his commitment to the process of continual improvement of Benin’s aviation security programme and welcomed the potential for ongoing partnership with the CASE II Project.