European communication specialists share information and experience
17 March 2022 — Communication specialists from 20 ECAC Member States gathered online for the second meeting of the ECAC Network of Communication Specialists (NETCOM). The participants noted the various actions taken since the kick-off meeting in autumn 2021, which included adoption by ECAC Directors General of the NETCOM Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure and the 2022 work programme, and creation of a restricted site allowing the NETCOM members to share information among each other.
Four draft papers were discussed at the meeting on the following topics: cooperation on communication matters, intercultural communication, media relations and communication training. The objective is to finalise these papers by the end of 2022.
A key added value of the NETCOM meetings is to facilitate the exchange of information and experience between the Member States; with this in mind, representatives from Montenegro and from the United Kingdom presented case studies on respectively crisis communication following a paragliding accident, and the failure of Thomas Cook. The presentations met with positive feedback from the participants, who agreed such case studies were extremely informative and useful and were keen for them to continue at future meetings. The next meeting will take place in October 2022.