Training Task Force prioritises new training best practices

10-11 March 2022 — The members of the Training Task Force reviewed the division of tasks included in the group’s 2022 work programme at their online meeting in March. Priority tasks will include developing new documents on the efficiency of aviation security training, human factors and security culture, as well as developing best practices for training on: the use of shoe explosive detection (SED) and shoe metal detection (SMD) equipment; implementing recruitment-related Doc 30, Part II – Security recommendations; and risk assessment.
Particular attention was paid to discussing the draft paper on Security Awareness Training Guidance (revised Doc 30 Annex) prepared in accordance with the new security culture requirements. This paper will be finalised before the next TrTF meeting on 19-20 May 2022. The group agreed to continue working on updating existing material on screener certification, in doing so aiming to bring the ECAC Aviation Security Handbook document on the development and implementation of practical tests for the certification of screeners up to date by the end of 2022.