Joint ECAC and ICAO information seminar on CORSIA eligible fuels

9 March 2022 — The second ECAC CORSIA Information Seminar (CORSIA-IS/2) addressed the issue of CORSIA eligible fuels, with discussions focusing on facilitating better understanding of how emissions reductions from the use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) can be claimed by aircraft operators under the CORSIA Scheme. Jointly organised with the ICAO EUR/NAT office, the seminar was held virtually and brought together 137 participants from 29 States, the industry and seven organisations.
ECAC and ICAO provided updates on their respective planned CORSIA capacity-building activities, which was followed by a joint introduction to the CORSIA Implementation Element "CORSIA eligible fuels", its five related ICAO documents, and the development and application of the ICAO Sustainability Criteria for CORSIA Eligible Fuels, which includes SAF.
Representatives of the two CORSIA Sustainability Certification Schemes that are currently approved by the ICAO Council presented the methodologies and tools to assess the compliance of CORSIA eligible fuels with the ICAO sustainability criteria and promote sustainable production and use of SAF according to CORSIA rules.
Norway shared lessons learnt from the use of SAF in their country after implementing in 2020 a legal obligation (a mandate) to supply it, and IATA identified areas of potential improvement based on the practical experience of monitoring, reporting and verification of SAF.