ECAC President at LACAC Assembly

Montevideo, 23-25 March 2022 — The 24th Ordinary Assembly of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (LACAC) provided an excellent opportunity for ECAC President, Alessio Quaranta, and ECAC Executive Secretary, Patricia Reverdy, to meet and share views with Directors General from the region on topics of common interest, such as the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and respective priorities ahead of this year’s ICAO Assembly.
In his speech, the ECAC President underlined the importance of continuing to strengthen the cooperation between LACAC and ECAC, combining their efforts "to shape a sustainable civil aviation system that meets the needs of both our economies and our citizens". He stressed that all actors of the aviation sector were convinced the future of aviation passes through social, economic and environmental sustainability. "This is why this ICAO Assembly must set the course for the sustainable aviation of the future. Our sector must become part of the solution in the climate change debate."