European coordination ahead of 41st ICAO Assembly

18, 20, 25, 27 and 28 January 2022 - The European coordination groups across various domains (safety, aviation security, facilitation, economic matters and cyber security) met in January to discuss the preparations for the 41st session of the ICAO Assembly (beginning 27 September 2022).

All of the groups considered the outcome of the ECAC Directors General meeting on 15 December 2021 (DGCA/157), at which Directors General discussed the proposed European working papers and gave guidance on the prioritisation of topics.

The coordination groups have each established small drafting groups to refine and develop the proposals for working papers, and to begin outreach to other States and regions that may be considering bringing forward papers on the same topics.

In addition, an ad hoc joint coordination group was established on 20 January to lead the coordination of three cross-domain topics. Coordination on environment matters is currently being taken forward on its own timetable as it is dependent on the outcome of global environment meetings.

The drafting groups will meet in February and will present the final drafts to the respective coordination groups for review, before the texts are presented to Directors General for final approval.