First ECAC information seminar on CORSIA

24 November 2021 - CORSIA focal points from ECAC Member States gathered virtually for the first CORSIA Information Seminar organised by the ECAC Secretariat under its capacity-building programme for environment. The main objectives of this seminar were to facilitate CORSIA implementation in Europe and to promote partnerships to support ECAC Member States requiring technical assistance.

ICAO provided an update on the next steps for the ACT-CORSIA programme. The European Commission briefed participants on the current regulatory proposal under discussion for CORSIA implementation in the EU; EASA shared lessons learnt from its international cooperation projects addressing CORSIA support; and EUROCONTROL gave a briefing on the tools it has developed to support States in the scheme’s implementation.

The ECAC Secretariat proposed different means to cooperate within Europe to ensure CORSIA implementation in the 44 ECAC Member States by the next ICAO Assembly. Member States were encouraged to consider building partnerships with that aim, and to develop bilateral and multilateral cooperation and information sharing.

52 participants joined the seminar. Further seminars are expected to be held in the first semester of 2022 to address identified capacity-building needs, such as sustainable aviation fuels use and reporting under CORSIA, and the development and use of emissions units. Should an ECAC Member State require any technical support for CORSIA implementation, please contact the ECAC Secretariat (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).