European coordination in May
26 May 2021 - ECAC organised one European coordination meeting in May with Directors General of ECAC Member States, DG MOVE, EASA and EUROCONTROL to discuss the most recent developments surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the diversion of Ryanair flight FR4978 to Minsk on 23 May. Participants exchanged information on the measures implemented and planned at national level in their own States in the follow-up to the diversion.
EUROCONTROL provided the latest updates on the traffic situation, noting an upward trend and a reasonable increase in traffic over the last weeks, though nonetheless rising from a very low base. The gradual easing of restrictions in many Member States gives hope for a more positive outlook for a late summer travel season this year.
Participants shared information on their current travel requirements and welcomed the EU Digital COVID Certificate (EUDCC), which was approved in the European Council on 21 May and that will contribute significantly to movement inside the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The meeting was also briefed on the main outcomes of the round table organised by the International Transport Forum (ITF-OECD), Reshaping the Aviation Sector in the Wake of COVID-19 Roundtable (6-7 May 2021) and which was chaired by ECAC President Ingrid Cherfils.