Experts gather in Paris to advance security testing practices

Paris, 26 November 2024 — Thirteen experts (pictured) from 11 Member States met in Paris to share knowledge and experience on covert and overt testing.

Following presentations from several Member States on their national covert testing programmes, the group engaged in discussions about common challenges and key lessons learnt in the design, organisation and implementation of covert and overt testing.

The ECAC Secretariat presented its recent initiatives, including the creation of a new network of points of contact for security testing. These designated experts can be contacted by security experts in the same role from other Member States to share technical insights, best practices and lessons learnt on both covert and overt testing. Additionally, a library of security testing material will be made available to these points of contact.

Building on the discussions, the participants agreed that a dedicated ECAC group focused on security testing would benefit Member States. The proposal for establishing this new group was approved by the Directors General of Civil Aviation at their recent meeting on 18 December.