Billy Nolen - Federal Aviation Administration

Billy Nolen - FAA


Prior to serving as FAA’s acting Administrator, Billy Nolen headed up the FAA’s Office of Aviation Safety, where he led 7400 employees located in Washington headquarters, regional and directorate offices, and 125 field offices throughout the world.

Billy has 34 years of experience in operations and corporate safety, regulatory affairs and flight operations. He served in the United States Army as an airplane and helicopter pilot and safety officer. And as a commercial pilot, he flew the 767, 757, and MD-80 aircraft with American Airlines.

Billy has held numerous executive positions in the airline industry, including at Qantas Group, WestJet, and Airlines for America.He is a graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Aviation Management. He has certificates in aviation safety from the US Naval Postgraduate School, the US Army Safety Center, and the University of Southern California.




ECAC Spotlight on facilitation matters

ECAC News n°75 - Spotlight on the ECAC Facilitation Working Group (Teresa Antunes) ECAC News n°73 - Spotlight on the ECAC Facilitation Sub-Group on the Transport of Persons with Reduced Mobility (Marie Hauerova) ECAC News n°69 - Spotlight on the Facilitation Sub-Group on Immigration (Evgheni Kostetki)


ECAC News on facilitation matters

ECAC News n°78 - Facilitation ECAC News n°70 ECAC News n°58