Carlos Mestre - European Commission

Carlos Mestre - European Commission

Born in Madrid, Spain, in 1961, Carlos Mestre Zamarreño has practised law in Belgium, Spain and the United Kingdom. In 1993 he joined the European Commission in Brussels as administrator for the Directorate-General for External Relations.

From 1999 to 2003, Mr Mestre worked at the World Bank, Washington DC as senior counsel of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency. In 2004, he was appointed chief negotiator of aviation agreements, and subsequently deputy head of unit of the Internal Market Unit in the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE), Aviation Directorate.

He is currently head of unit in charge of security within the Policy Coordination Directorate at DG MOVE.



ECAC Spotlight on facilitation matters

ECAC News n°75 - Spotlight on the ECAC Facilitation Working Group (Teresa Antunes) ECAC News n°73 - Spotlight on the ECAC Facilitation Sub-Group on the Transport of Persons with Reduced Mobility (Marie Hauerova) ECAC News n°69 - Spotlight on the Facilitation Sub-Group on Immigration (Evgheni Kostetki)


ECAC News on facilitation matters

ECAC News n°78 - Facilitation ECAC News n°70 ECAC News n°58