Maksim Et’hemaj - Albania

Maksim Et'hemaj - Albania


Maksim Et’hemaj is the current Executive Director of the Albanian Civil Aviation Authority (ACAA). Mr Et’hemaj is in this position since since 1 December 2021.

Mr Et’hemaj has more than 29 years of experience in the aviation industry. Previous work includes several leading roles in the Albcontrol (Albanian ANSP), where he served as Head of Operations from 2005 to 2009, also served as CTO from 2013 to 2021. Mr. Et’hemaj was elected as vice chairman of New PENS Executive Board (PEB) since the beginning as well as member of Network Management Board (NMB) since 2018. Mr. Et’hemaj was ATCO from 1999 to December 2021, he represented Albanian Air Traffic Controller Association (ALATCA) to IFATCA from 2001 to 2006.

Mr Et’hemaj has a master’s degree in Natural Science from the University of Tirana in Albania. He also completed the Program for Project Management Professional at the George Town University in Washington DC, USA.

Mr Et’hemaj and the Albanian Civil Aviation Authority are working to prepare aviation in Albania for incoming challenges while enlarging aeronautical infrastructure in the most safest and efficient way. 


ECAC Spotlight on facilitation matters

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