Crispin Orr - United Kingdom

United Kingdom - Crispin Orr


Crispin Orr joined the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch as Chief Inspector in January 2017 following a career in the army including senior appointments as an aviation commander, and head of flight test and air accident investigation units. In 2015 he established and was the first head of the Defence Accident Investigation Branch.

He is an active member of the ICAO Accident Investigation Group Panel and in 2020 was appointed as chair of the European Civil Aviation Conference's expert group on air accident and incident investigation (ACC).

Crispin has an engineering degree from Durham University and an MSc in Defence Technology from Cranfield University, as well as postgraduate qualifications in safety and accident investigation. He is a member of the Royal Aeronautical Society and the Society of Experimental Test Pilots.


ECAC Spotlight on facilitation matters

ECAC News n°75 - Spotlight on the ECAC Facilitation Working Group (Teresa Antunes) ECAC News n°73 - Spotlight on the ECAC Facilitation Sub-Group on the Transport of Persons with Reduced Mobility (Marie Hauerova) ECAC News n°69 - Spotlight on the Facilitation Sub-Group on Immigration (Evgheni Kostetki)


ECAC News on facilitation matters

ECAC News n°78 - Facilitation ECAC News n°70 ECAC News n°58