
Raúl Medina Caballero is director general of EUROCONTROL, a post he took up on 1 January 2023.

Raúl was previously director general of civil aviation at the Spanish Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, and president of the Spanish Aviation Safety and Security Agency (AESA), between 2015 and 2022.

During those years, he was also a member of the boards of directors of ENAIRE (Spanish Air Navigation Service Provider), SENASA (Services and Studies for Air Navigation and Aeronautical Safety) and INTA (National Institute for Aerospace Technology), as well as member of the ENAIRE Foundation, which works to promote aviation culture. At the international level, Raúl was vice-president of ECAC (the European Civil Aviation Conference) and a member of the ECAC Coordinating Committee. He was the president of the ICAO Technical Commission during the last ICAO Assembly. He has also worked as a consultant for the World Bank’s Sustainable Development Department in Washington DC and as a systems engineer for Siemens.

Raúl was born in Madrid, Spain. He holds a master’s degree in aeronautical engineering (MS) from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and a master’s degree in public administration (MPA) from Columbia University, New York City, with a specialisation in economic policy management. He was the recipient of a Fulbright scholarship for his studies at Columbia.

He has received the Great Cross of Aeronautical Merit, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Defence, and the Order of Civil Merit, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation.


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