Ourania Georgoutsakou - Airlines4Europe (A4E)

Ourania Georgoutsakou - Airlines for Europe (A4E)


Ourania “Rania” Georgoutsakou is the managing director of Airlines for Europe (A4E), the Brussels-based organisation representing Europe’s leading airlines. She joined Airlines4Europe in June 2023 and is responsible for the organisation’s strategy and impact. Her role is to represent Europe’s commercial airlines in the Brussels’ political arena, liaise with industry executives and manage the association’s operations.

She has 20 years’ experience of advocating for membership associations, and previously led LightingEurope, representing Europe’s lighting manufacturers for six years. Prior to this she was director of public policy for Europe for SEMI, the global trade association representing the manufacturing supply chain for the semiconductor and related industries. She spent the first ten years of her career as senior policy coordinator with the Assembly of European Regions in Strasbourg and in Brussels, where she worked directly with elected regional politicians to help shape and implement EU policies.

During her career Rania has worked on multiple policy areas, from the EU Lisbon Treaty to the EU Services Directive and from health and social policy to environmental rules, e-innovation and internal market rules. Rania holds degrees in European law and policy-making.